Friday, October 22, 2010

My twin?

My mommy's getting better at this haircut thing. I don't look quite as bad as last time. :P

So I was looking over some of our items for Puppy Love Guam, and noticed that mommy took some pictures of another doggie model while she was in Manila. Her name is Molly and she looks like me! Well, I'm the more mature version. So naturally, I look better. But I guess she'll do. What do you think?

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Yummy Pupcicles

I know I keep saying I'll be better at blogging, but it hasn't been happening. You must understand life as a queen is pretty hectic. Plus, judging from my last post, you can see that I had a near breakdown when my Mommy left.

But she's back now, THANK GOD! In the past month, I helped my mommy plan her very first fashion show for a group really cool women. I wish I could have went, but there were going to be too many other rascals there, and I didn't want to lose out on my beauty sleep in case Mommy wanted to stay late.

The great part is always getting to taste test the doggie snacks she plans to share with the other doggie fans of Puppy Love Guam. Now that rainy season is practically over, it has been HOT HOT HOT. Mommy made her awesome pupcicles again. I love them.

I am really liking the fact that Mommy is home all the time now. She still hogs the computer, but at least I know she will always give me a belly rub when I want one and I don't have to deal with the crazy boys all by myself.

On another note, I am so excited for Halloween!!! I won't tell you what I'm going to be yet... but let me just say... I love the costume Mommy made for me. :)