Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I foresee a vet visit. Brendan looks like he has a tummy ache. Mommy keeps looking at him and saying she's worried because he started eating all kinds of crap off the table and then vomited his dinner. I kept telling him that just because it was Bryan's birthday, doesn't mean he should eat EVERYTHING off the table. Just the ones that the people are eating too!!! But he doesn't listen. I know I think he's dumb sometimes. But I hope he's okay. Then when he gets all better, I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind.

Friday, January 21, 2011

GUAM is Where America's Day Begins A-Hole

My mom was reading the paper today and I just happened to glance over her shoulder at this one article about some guy in Hawaii who wants to move the international date line. I know, huh? Sounds complicated. Lucky I got my own little computer now and learned how to use Google so I was able to figure out exactly what's going on. Here... just read it yourself HERE.

It's all very confusing to me, still, but basically, some wannabe macho lawmaker dude thinks he can steal Guam's slogan!!! I don't know much about date lines or whatever you call them... but I think he should worry about laws that will actually matter... like more money for shelter dogs! Or changing the punishment for animal abuse to the abusers being tied out in the heat with no food and water! Or dumb politicians should be bit in the leg... I'll volunteer.

Gene Ward, GUAM is Where America's Day Begins. And your porch is where I'm gonna poop where America's day ends if you keep this up.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Blog About Bryan

So, I was doing some reminiscing about past bloggie posts and I realize that I talk smack about Bryan a lot. In his defense, he probably doesn't deserve a lot of it. That's just between me and you, okay? I would NEVER admit that to him.

Anyway, I was just going to start another Bryan rant because he woke me up early AGAIN! It's SATURDAY! Really?! I understand that everyone else is doing the little peepee dance, but geez, I would rather hold it and get a little bit more beauty sleep. But in any case, I GUESS you can say he's a nice guy. He took care of me and the other puppies while Mommy was away and even gave us treatsies. My my, I must be in an especially good mood today.

There are lots of birthdays around this time. That could be it. It was Mommy's birthday last month... this month is Ben and Jerry's birthday and Zeus' birthday, and also Bryan's birthday... and next month, guess who's birthday it is! MINE!!! I am turning 11!

Oh my gosh. Mommy says I am an old lady. PSSSHHHAAA!!! SHE'S the old lady. I should start thinking about what I want for my birthday. Hmm...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Baldy McBald

My mommy is back and I am so excited. But I am not so excited that one of the new contraptions she bought is this buzzing thing that leaves me BALD! Well, I guess it does feel better a little. I'm not so hot anymore. Plus I can see where I'm going! However, I will be leaving any photo shoots for the next few months for the other mutts. I just don't look very cute without any hair.

In other news, Brendan is also losing his hair. Not because of the buzzing thing, but just because. Now my mom gives him medicine. Shhhh... don't tell him it's medicine, because he seems to think it's a treat. Hahaha! I am continuously amused by his stupidity.

Let's see... what else is going on. Oh yeah! Zeus, the baby of our family celebrated his first birthday last week. We all got some treatsies to celebrate. Other than that, I'm glad things are back to normal.

Friday, January 7, 2011

No More Holidays

I am back! Did you miss me? If you follow my other blog,, you'll know why I haven't posted here. It has been a BUSY holiday season for me and my mommy. Did you see all those trade shows I had to prepare for? Well, actually, I just supervised. But Mom looked like she was working hard. And I guess she did deserve a vacation ... she's been gone for three weeks now and she is STILL not back. I guess I have to deal with Bryan just a bit longer.

I just wish he would stop trying to trick me. He holds me up to this moving picture frame he has on his desk and tells me to say hi to my mommy. He gets it to even sound like her. WHY DOES HE DO THIS TO ME?! Are you reading this Mommy? Come home!!!

But it is kinda funny when Brendan falls for it. Hahahaha... what a dumb dog.